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I continue to add apps yet often do not return to them. My purpose is to see what apps are out there and how useful they would be for my needs and PSA needs to design a DLE.

See here my current list of apps from the app store.  I used the app “notability ” to highlight a list from the app store that I downloaded to dropbox.  The highlighted apps, I use often.  At the bottom of the list, I added apps that did not show up on this app store list.

Since most of these apps are free, it is easy to download referenced apps and add the apps to folders.  I  create educational folders in terms of Bloom’ s Taxonomy…remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

The apps I use most often:  dropbox, chrome, verizon navigator, clock, iphotos

The apps that I think show promise for a DLE, I download and review.  The apps I actually use are related to personal needs for location, sharing photos, banking, sharing files.