PSA has suggested that users need support to succeed in learning, online or not. Looks like we now have a remedy.
Udacity is offering another level of courses providing coaches and certificates. The idea is to build a portfolio with key skills using personal trainers for ongoing feedback and “verified certificates”. Check it out here. Of course, there is a charge per course per month.
Here’s a list of Learning positions PSA put together a while back:
Learning Instructor
Learning Guide
Learning Concierge
Learning Trainer
Learning Coach
Learning Assistant
Learning Aide
Learning Resource
Learning Service
Learning Partner
Learning Advisor
Learning Co-ordinator
Learning Motivator
Learning Evaluator
Learning Expert
Learning Facilitator
Learning Navigator
Learning Recruiter
Learning Manager
Learning Credentiator (learning credentials)
Learning Activator
Learning mentor
Learning tutor
Learning counselor
Learning integrator
Learning sequencer
Learning assessor
Learning engager
Learning interactor
Learning organizer
Learning planner
Learning explorer
Learning assessor
Learning consultant
Learning specialist
Learning diagnostician
Learning technician
This kind of begins to describe the combination of connectivity tools with distribution of a social learning construct for “education” “employment” “healthcare” “Jury duty =^)”
DIY plus the support context… who is the support context? Well sometimes it’s your family, sometimes it’s your online tribe, your peers, your classmates, your fellow MOOC participants…. and sometimes it’s a paid connection by the hour…