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This MOOC starts today and lasts for 6 weeks.  The MOOC is delivered by Swinburne University in Australia on an LMS called Coursesites by Blackboard. The course is based on a process for online learning design called Carpe Diem.

I signed up, but will I stay the course?  The  Carpe Diem course design process sounds interesting since it involves a blue print for building online courses.  Once the blue print is developed, the process is tried out by teams.  I’ve been assigned to a group of 25 and each of us is expected to contribute to designing what is called an “e-tivity” using the Carpe Diem process.

The end result is a useable product that PSA may find helpful.  I’m intriqued to see how the MOOC works since the “train the trainer” model seems familiar to what PSA is attempting to try with a similar audience.

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