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Alphabet soup..acronyms taking over the world? Maybe, but the above refers to Learning Management Systems versus Virtual Learning Environments, and our favorite Defined Learning Experience.  In any new field one is learning, there’s the jargon to “master”, and in our field, the jargon sometimes needs to be “created” or “made up” because it doesn’t exist yet.

Here’s a link with a discussion of differences between LMS and VLE, and more of note.


The graphic accessible below purports to indicate what % of various industries use some of these “eLearning” tools. Just FWIW, because when things are changing as fast as they are now, some stats from the past become less valuable or relevant or quickly out of date.

This “video button” below is me fooling around trying some things out. I wanted to insert an image. That used to work by finding the tinyMCE above for insert image; neither seems to work now for some reason. Maybe I need to upgrade the UTMCE Pro plugin…

But instead, I went above to the “Insert short code” button on the far right in the same line as “Media-selector” and “Add Media” button.

Then I selected “Gallery”…and selected lightbox, and pasted my upload image URL into the short code setup window, and voila, we got this below, which thinks it’s a video.

Click Here to Watch the Video


So will want to play with this more…there were other types of “Gallery” that we could choose. Could select a number of images and create a slide show using “post code” all by itself, apparently. The point is to learn by doing. As long as you are just saving DRAFTS, and not PUBLISHING, you can try anything out, pretty much. At least I’m willing to give that a try and see what happens.

Police Dept get created after somebody commits a terrible crime, Fire Depts get created after something burns down, and RULES get created when something unexpected and undesirable happens. We’re discovering what rules we need, partly as a matter of trying things out, and learning from experience.