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Training Magazine Network offers a series of webinars that often touch on topics of interest to PSA.  This webinar caught my attention as it discusses “webinar fatigue” and the use of the the “flipped classroom model” to present video content on demand and then follow up with a lively interactive Q&A discussion on a certain date using Google+Hangouts on air.

Of course, the presenter, Michael Kolowich, is selling his platform called KnowledgeVision, a platform for creating interactive video assets from Power Point Presentations.

I was pleasantly surprised to find immediate access to the “on demand” video webinar content here without registering for the webinar through Training Magazine Network.

The link to the lively interactive discussion on November 18th is als0 included with the webinar content.  The discussion will be held on Google +Hangouts on air as an experiment in using a free webinar tool broadcast over YouTube.  The presenter encourages questions sent before hand using the question box on the webinar content page.