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According to a recent article in EdSurge, there’s a non profit developing a game engine that supports learning and include assessment metrics. It goes on to note that this game engine can be used by other ed game developers.

GlassLab Games (“Glass” stands for games, learning and assessment), a nonprofit located on the Electronic Arts campus in Redwood City, Calif.,  have been building games that serve as formative assessments for critical thinking skills.

According to Ed Surge, in 2013 GlassLab released “SimCityEDU,” a modified version of the popular franchise designed to be used in the classroom. This year, it launched “Mars Generation One: Argubot Academy,” where players make decisions regarding the colonization of Mars.

Both games address Common Core English Language Arts standards around making evidence-based claims, along with Next Generation Science Standards and 21st century skills. An early study conducted by Education Testing Service, Pearson and GlassLab of students who played “Mars Generation One” found “statistically significant improvements in argumentation as measured on external pre-post tests.”