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Here is a draft for my first attempt at building a game for the EdX course in gamification. My focus is on the social learning construct, an “icebreaker” game that might motivate learning for conference attendees.

Target Group: Public service agency staff, facilitators/instructors, learners/clients attending a professional conference.
Learning Objectives: Students will use a video poker format to meet attendees and then do what they want to do with the aggregated information and knowledge-follow the attendees at the conference, post/comment on attendee internal profiles, or meet F2F.

Purpose: The game of “chance” (video poker) is much like attending any conference. Who will be sitting at my table? What agencies do they work with-Education, Health Care, Workforce Development, Public Services (city/county)? This playful introduction to a conference will allow all participants to have access to a distribution of expertise and knowledge. Are they tech staff, support staff, facilitators/teachers, learners/clients, volunteers?

Here is a Dropbox link to show you the basic concept for the game:

Please ask questions if you are confused. No, I don’t know how to do the mechanics of setting up a video poker game (52 cards), and then add new cards to the deck as new attendees join the game. I vision a leader board with highest points for players with the typical Jacks are better poker hands, no bets.