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John recently suggested  a text called Teaching Online:  a guide to theory, research, and practice by Claire Howell Major.  After browsing the topics and reviewing some of the contributions, I agree that this text is useful in describing the many current changes and challenges for college faculty teaching in a digital world.

John and I both completed a graduate certificate in Online Teaching and Learning at NMSU, and we continue to stay current with the latest in best practices as well as cutting edge ideas from the field.

In the chapter called Views of Learning, I read the contribution by Dave Cormier on Rhizomatic Learning.  Cormier has experiences with online communities, and his metaphor of rhizomatic plant growth helps understand the complex learning found in a learning community, which he describes as a learning experience with no set beginning or end.

Here is a video from a MOOC session with Dave Cormier explaining Rhizomatic Learning.

Below is the excerpt of Cormier’s article in “Teaching Online”:

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(Admin note: updated the Subject line of this post to reflect after the fact new template for subject lines in this series. Also added the text excerpt referred to  as I presently have the WorldPenScan to do this. BTW, while it requires some cleanup, and some cleanup tricks which are learned by doing…nothing that tricky…it goes very fast to do this line by line into a word doc. Happily can recommend. Search Penpower WPSNO31EN World Pen Scan at Amazon @100.