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I am now in my 4th week of the EdX course on Design and Development of games for Learning.  This week we were asked to “play test” our games and think of questions we would ask of those who “play test” our game in a prototype such as cards or rough digital version.  Since I am interested in what motivates people to play games, I chose the following questions:

-what was fun about the game?

-what strategy will win the game?

-what support did you find to learn winning strategies?

-what elements in the game gave you control over your progress in mastering the game?

Here are some resources from the course on design based research, strategies to make the most of student playtesting, and a conjecture map to show the concept by visually organizing the major theoretical, design, and outcome elements.

While commenting in posts  on games in progress from other students, I joined a group called SWA.  I joined this group because I was interested in what the airline’s training department was doing for practice in learning workplace tasks using games.  The task is for maintenance crew in refilling the bins in the galley.  Previously, the task was learned through OJT.  Of course, motivation may well be external in this case…keep your job.  However, I’m still interested in motivating any learner using fun, mastery, community, or just the freedom to learn- DIY.