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Here are some final resources from the edX course, Design and Development of Games for Learning.

K-12 MARKET-How to survive?

Richards, John, et al. Winter 2013. Games for a Digital Age: K-12 Market Map and Investment Analysis. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.

POLICY & GAMES-What about U.S. national policy and digital learning games?

Listen to this interview, or read the transcript, of Constance Steinkuehler, who talks about her work as a senior policy analyst in the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House.

Steinkuehler, Constance. Interview by Michel Martin. April 18, 2012. “What Can We Learn from Video Games?” NPR: Tell Me More.


Takahashi, Dean. February 5, 2015. “What Was a Game Guy Doing in the White House?” Gamesbeat. Venturebeat.

Francis, Bryant. May 18, 2015. “Where in the World Did Blockbuster Educational Games Go?” Gamasutra. UBM Tech.