By following MOOC development over the last 12 years, I have attempted to learn how new technology is integrated into existing education models. I started with Mobi MOOC organized by Inge deWaard in 2011 to learn how mobile learning and social media could be part of a future educational model. The students used social media platforms such as Google groups, an course Wiki to connect over the course of 6 weeks. The end result was a project for those that wanted to participate. The course was free. My motivation at the time, was the opportunity to use mobile learning tools in a “Defined Learning Experience”.
My most recent MOOC experience is offered through Coursera and is called “Futures Thinking”. So far, from the standpoint of production quality, 12 years certainly improved the media presentation as well as the instructor performance. The content is free for one week so it is in my best interest to learn as much as possible as fast as possible. After one week, my option is audit or pay a monthly subscription fee. A completion certificate follows if using the paid option.
The “Futures Thinking” course is looking forward 10 years as the time it takes to explore all the possibilities, and gain the support needed to implement new technology changes. Given the evolving changes going on with AI currently, the course may or may not be accurate with the 10 year window for successful technology changes.
Ready, Set, Future! Introduction to Futures Thinking | Coursera