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E-learning infographic hot trends for LMS

The infographic below provided by KnowledgeOne, a commercial e-learning business , details some of the latest and emerging trends in 2013 as they relate to elearning for organizations using an LMS. PSA seems to be looking in the trending direction according to the...

SLC-Melissa Chavira Dissertation Chapter 1

  In my effort to be helpful, I told you I would read Melissa Chavira’s dissertation.  So, here is my highlighting from Chapter 1.  I made the exercise more interesting by using an ipad app, Notability, to notate the chapter and save it to dropbox. Chapter...

Small data, big data

  This blog post by Ray Jimenez’ shares his reflections on Stories and Scenarios in eLearning, Experience-Based Learning Systems. E-learning such as an PSA DLE can focus on the “small data” that comes back to the learner to help them to reach...

Images vectorized

  Clker is an online database of royalty free clip art. It also has a new service which can vectorize your images in one click.