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Pearson “exits” online services

Longtime education “publisher” Pearson has gone through a number of changes over the last 15 years, announcing various plans to dominate the emerging EdTech market and buying competing companies. The transaction reported below, and the end of...

Using MOOCs to understand the future of education following review of research, looks at a specific MOOC(Massive Open Online Course). Mobi MOOC is the name of the course and I had the pleasure of participating in the course in 2011. Organized by Inge deWaard, the MOOC...

Futures thinking

By following MOOC development over the last 12 years, I have attempted to learn how new technology is integrated into existing education models. I started with Mobi MOOC organized by Inge deWaard in 2011 to learn how mobile learning and social media could be part of a...

AI Artifacts of the future

It’s going to be the “greatest force for economic empowerment” society has ever seen. It’s going to take away our jobs. It’s going to “generate a new form of human consciousness.” It’s going to kill us all. Generative AI — or the new artificial intelligence that can...

Microsoft invests in Open AI

“The model that is wowing the world right now is built on the supercomputer we started building couple of years ago. The new models will be built on the new supercomputer we’re training now, which is much bigger and will enable even more sophistication.”...