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Gamification first attempt

Here is a draft for my first attempt at building a game for the EdX course in gamification. My focus is on the social learning construct, an “icebreaker” game that might motivate learning for conference attendees. Target Group: Public service agency staff,...

Gamification Notes: Elliot Masie

Elliot Masie has a “Learning Trends” newsletter sent out by email, and his latest has a number of items on “Gamification”. * Gamification is NOT a formula of how to add leaderboards, points, badges and a few characters to eLearning. *...

Gamification course at Edx

My goal for this MOOC offered by EdX, Design & Development of Games for Learning, is to check out how a game, if it is fun and engaging, will help with learner motivation.  Here are two reading resources from the course that PSA might find useful. [gview...

Live hangout on air for EdX 11.127x

Here is a live event from April 29th by course staff for the EdX course I’m now attending called the “Design and Development of Games for Learning”. The Google hangout format offers participants a critique from the course staff on prototypes now in...