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Edx Mooc: design and development of games for learning

I just signed up for a new Edx MOOC: 11.127x design and development of games for learning, starting on April 1, 2015 and running 9 weeks, asynchronous. The course is free to audit but I opted for a payment of $50, mainly to see if it helped my commitment level. The...

Gamification: Coursera Penn prof course: free

Liz Brown, PSA BOD member, is taking this course on gamification. Looks kuhl. Gamification is the application of digital game design techniques to non-game contexts, such as business, education, and social impact challenges. Video games are the dominant entertainment...

Game design and Bloom’s taxonomy

Training Magazine Network is offering a webinar on game design alignment with Bloom’s taxonomy.    Of course, gamification is a core concept PSA sees for encouraging engagement in learning.    Fun, engaging narratives integrated with quality technology and...