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Innovation and “rent seekers”

In our discussions regarding choosing a customer segment focus , Steve Blank provides some advice. Steve Blank blog on creative strategies for startups when facing “rent seekers”.  Blank’s suggested strategy for disruptive startups:   Pick early...

Community space for innovation: SF

Story in FastTimes on a 14K sq ft building being “handed over” to “the community” in San Francisco and the ensuing interesting things that are “growing” there. I know “this is San Francisco”, but it is encouraging....

Education Gaming Funding

There is money for educational gaming – in Silicon Valley. Zynga is offering office space and technical support and $1Million. The VentureBeat article mentions a NewSchools Venture Summit which I have not researched.

Lean Start Up-why it changes everything

Steve Blank describes in his blog his article for the Harvard Business Review on the Lean Start Up. Much of what Steve talks about sounds like what I’ve heard before…market research, needs analysis.  Similar to education and what I was doing in the class...

Software Bootcamps

There have been a number of articles lately on Software Boot Camps that train you to code in 3 or 4 months and “promise” a job; this article is typical. These “9 week wonder” programs are proliferating in the major tech centers –...