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How to Fuel the Internal Engine of Learning

This Brain Pickings article on “independent” learning is cast as a review of a new book, “Don’t Go Back to School: A Handbook for Learning Anything” by Kio Stark. The article, however raises a number of interesting points beyond the...

Remedial Education

There is an article in the NYT today regarding universities integrating on-line education, focusing on remedial training. I was struck by the statement:  “Nearly half of all undergraduates in the United States arrive on campus needing remedial work before they...

MOOC- ebook on how to set up a mooc

  Inge de Waard the author of the ebook on how to set up a MOOC  shares her experience setting up the Mobimooc 2012 as well as research on best practices from MOOC history.  MOOC history maybe limited, but I do appreciate learning from the innovators testing the...

Online Education Trumps the Cost Disease

Online Education Trumps the Cost Disease by Alex Tabarrok on April 16, 2013 at 7:32 am in Economics, Education, Web/Tech | Permalink In a large, randomized experiment Bowen et al. found that students enrolled in an online/hybrid statistics course learned just as much...