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Koller TED embed

Kudos to Kris for sharing this TED talk by Koller of Coursera fame. This is the same one that Ignatia had embedded in her page….so duh…I thought lets just see how hard that is. Turned out to be easy. Just find the embed code…usually available through...

MOOC benefits and inconsistencies

  Ignatia deWaard blog post on benefits and inconsistencies resulting from MOOC’s… Ted video where Daphne Koller (co-founder of Coursera) speaks about the benefits of MOOCs. And yes, great MOOCs follow the best practices of great online learning:...

MOOC, MMOG, MMOV What Does it All Mean?

In a global world, it seems like everything is :massive”. I found this article on disrupting the Video industry to be an eye opener for a “tech savvy boomer”.  At first it just plain made me feel old when I considered all the moving pieces that are...