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Vygotsky as muse to complex learning/teaching

I found this article in the Facebook Rhizo 15 MOOC discussion presented by Dave Cormier.  This article looks at Vygotsky theories of learning as an interpretive lense for complexity theory applied to education.  Dave Cormier looks at the rhizome as an example of...

Certificate of Completion

I was pleased to see that EdX came through with a certificate of completion as offered for the course I completed in June, Design and Development of Games for Learning.  I paid $40 for verification of my identity and a copy of the certificate showing that I completed...

Learning game design and play testing

Here is an interview with Scott Osterweil from MIT Education Arcade.  Scott is being interviewed by  Professor Eric Klopfer  during the MOOC I recently completed, Design and Development of Learning Games.  Scott is discussing the design and development of the game,...

Break the Ice Poker

Here is my first attempt at making a game using Prezi for my project deliverable.  The game was developed during a six week course through the EdX , MITx MOOC called Design & Development of Games for learning.  I’m not sure if the public prezi will work for...