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Udacity moving forward

PSA has suggested that users need support to succeed in learning, online or not.  Looks like we now have a remedy. Udacity is offering another level of courses providing coaches and certificates.  The idea is to build a portfolio with key skills using personal...

Peter Thun

From my perspective (with its associated biases), this Fast Company article is a must read! The father of MOOCs has pivoted Udacity to a company-paid content model.  Here are some pf the paragraphs that struck me: “We were on the front pages of newspapers and...

MOOC round table: the past, present, future

This round table webinar from Corporate Learning Network brought together some experts to discuss the opportunities for corporate MOOCs.  While security and proprietary information limits the scope of MOOCs for corporate training, the experts see an impact for...

LeaderMOOC webinars

You can do almost all activities in LeaderMOOC at your own pace and in your own time. We will have a few ‘events’ in the next weeks in the form of virtual classes. On this page you’ll find our schedule as well as information as how to join our...

Blog: Teaching with technology

Another chance to learn with a MOOC, a Moodle MOOC on WizIQ.  See a webinar called Teaching with Technology that tutors:  integration of the blog as a teaching tool. The challenge of participation using blogs to connect to get students excited about learning.  Very...