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Facebook Graph Search Function and SLC

Article in NY Times on Facebook’s new Graph Search tool. Since it sort of creates “connections” between people…it might be a tool that undergirds some of the “structure” of a SLC. I suppose the core concept is that people generate...

Research-Chavira dissertation Ch. 2

  Here are notes from Chapter 2.  Working from my ipad, I added Chapter 2 to Chapter 1 notes.  Not a good idea since you need to scroll through.   So, go to about page 21 in the pdf for some interesting literature on Social Learning construct.  Research seems to...

SLC-Melissa Chavira Dissertation Chapter 1

  In my effort to be helpful, I told you I would read Melissa Chavira’s dissertation.  So, here is my highlighting from Chapter 1.  I made the exercise more interesting by using an ipad app, Notability, to notate the chapter and save it to dropbox. Chapter...