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Literacywork International…Welcome.html Heide and Jim’s site Literacywork International is a small literacy-focused research and development company. From youth literacy to English as a Second Language, and workforce preparation, we focus on practical solutions...

Dozuki-instruction manuals online Perhaps some examples here of course content we may someday be working with, or methods of presenting certain sorts of technically based information online in a course or training. Dozuki makes innovative documentation software for everything from...

Partnership with five technology companies…thfivetechnologycompanies.html City of Chicago partnering colleges and high-tech companies for real world HS experience. PSA could play a role in a project such as this in providing students with unique curriculum and opportunities for...

Workplace readiness skills-Virginia

Click to access Workplace%20Readiness%20Skills%20(WRS)%20for%20the%20Commonwealth%20Assessment%20Blueprint2.pdf Employer driven skills described on a poster. A personalized training plan for learners would incorporate demonstration of these skills. I noticed #14 and...

Federal jobs training

Federal Funds to Train the Jobless Are Drying Up With the economy slowly reviving, an executive from Atlas Van Lines recently visited Louisville, Ky., with good news: the company wanted to hire mo… With the economy slowly reviving, an executive from Atlas Van...