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Federal jobs training

Federal Funds to Train the Jobless Are Drying Up With the economy slowly reviving, an executive from Atlas Van Lines recently visited Louisville, Ky., with good news: the company wanted to hire mo… With the economy slowly reviving, an executive from Atlas Van...

Workforce Investment Act reauthorization Enacted in 1998, this act is outdated and a bill would modernize the workforce investment system structure. So far, no hearings scheduled. Possibilities for more youth learning activities-internships, on-the-job training...

Worker training grants for employees…in-worker-training-grants.html Employers can apply for grants to improve current employee productivity and innovation.   I wonder who will write the grants…educational institutions?

Social media for job search…edia_Frontline_Staff_Brief.pdf This brief, the third in a series on using social media to support job search, is directed at frontline staff and managers in One-Stop Career Centers. It discusses the growth of social media in...