I just uploaded a pdf from a webinar: informal learning. The link works fine in my post, but not when I try to text link it.
In the same post, I did a web link to yinyang.frankn.net. I was unable to get this link to work in the post.
I do so much trial and error…generally, each situation is different so I find no rules. I’m not asking for an answer because I doubt it would work anyway. Just saying… I’m spending way to much time on the not intuitive WP. Check out the number of times I do revisions. It is not because I like to look at it.
found another link, that works: http://www.frankn.net/yinyang/
The point is one post took 30 minutes. I’m not thrilled with my discovery…only annoyed at the time it took to do something that should be easy.
Kris, I certainly sympathize with frustrations of using various technology…and the time consuming nature of “trial and error method”. Has very much been the case for me with embedding videos, getting the right size, and getting it to just work.
I have noticed that you are being a trooper with these Diigo reposts….all the revisions, and the time it takes between posts etc. Felt bad for you.
You are not alone! Two things, one congrats as it appears to me you have gotten through to June 17th or so on the Diigo posts. Second, when you come over I can work with you on methods of linking that seem fairly reliable for me. I’m optimistic that we can ease your suffering on that challenge.
Again, no answer and no machine for LIz, after sending an earlier email to all her known email addresses. Will give that one more day before settling on date next week.
I’m reposting my today’s comments on linking here:
I looked at this post in edit view, to try to see what might be going on with the links.
Some strange things happened for me when I did…sometimes the links would show up correctly in the link popup box from hitting the chain button….but sometimes the link would go away. Very weird. I wonder if there’s something you are doing that is making things funky, or if it’s someplace else, like in your browser software or elsewhere, that is making things not work.
Doesn’t happen that way for me, AFAIK, so there must be some explanation. Assume we can figure this one out eventually.